Analyzing the First Results

On December 15 I put the Masters on hold. I already had my tickets to go to Malaysia in January and I had made the decision to take advantage of those hours I would usually need for studying in order to use them on the trip organization. But I wasn’t worried about the Masters because in less than two months, I had managed to finish a third of the one-year course, and I was also (proudly) receiving really good grades. I had never been such a good student!

Putting my Masters on hold meant I now had two more free hours throughout the day. How would you have used those two extra hours? In the post titled If I Had Two Extra Hours… I share what I did.

On December 31st 2017, I ended the year by taking a few pictures of myself in order to see some of the achieved results from the first 4 months of my challenge. I tell you all about it in the post Results after four months of challenge.

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